Monday, January 14, 2008

Meeting the Friends

So breastasaurus got to meet my close friends after 3 months. We were invited by her friend to a McFadden's party. I was attacked on all sides not only did I have her friends there but I had a guy who was clearly upset that I was with her and wanted to make it known. I'm very cool in these situations, these are what would be considered difficult circumstances but you just assume everything is cool and take it as it comes. Breastasaurus also got to meet some of my friends.

The party inviter was being very annoying and difficult the whole time with me. He was trying to get a rise out of me saying, "that it sucks that you were a 23 year old virgin" and somehow heard of the number of women I had slept with in the past year. He was trying to piss me off and get me upset. The key to these situations is remain positive. I got mutual complaints from both Breastasaurus' friends that I needed to help him out and from my friends that he was being annoying. I tried to help him out as he "wanted me to help him."

I gave him a little advice and I knew it wasn't going to happen as soon as he tried to make a joke out of my advice and throw it back at me. So in my head I was like...ok I'm not going to help.

Mr. Annoying was throwing himself around, trying his best to both be annoying and woo girls...this is not the way to do it. As one of breastasaurus' friends asked me, "What is the best way or technique to getting a woman?" I simply said, "Be cool," which is exactly what it is and Mr. Annoying didn't understand it.

Here is a relationship management helper for some guys out there. You are out with your girlfriend and a guy starts touching her all over. She is drinking and so is the other guy, how do you deal with it? Initially the best response is to ignore it but if it keeps happening and/or one of your friends thinks it is disrespectful, this is where you should say something about it.

The key to it is not to react and not get upset by it but in very clear terms tell him he is being disrespectful. This doesn't mean pick a fight with him...and it certainly doesn't mean physical but it also doesn't mean crying about it.

For example:

I was out with my girlfriend and one of her friends started touching her in a way that one of my friend's came up to me and deemed it unacceptable. I honestly wasn't paying attention to the situation but if one of my friends picked up on it then I knew it should be brought to his attention.

This is similar to if a girl's friend was to see her boyfriend with another girl. She tells the girl and she feels disrespected in front of her friends so she says something about it.

I walked up to him with her there. I said to him "stop being disrespectful" and that was the bottom line. He reacted and said, "I'm not being disrespectful, I'm not being disrespectful" in a really emotional tone. I said, "Dude I think you are being disrespectful and that is the bottom line." Remember throughout this you can't react to him.

In this situation, I started to react when he got emotional...but the key is not to react.

Actually I thought he was pretty cool, dressed up in an Affliction shirt, bald head and some nice torn jeans and being like a UFC fighter. He seemed like a cool guy. So I thought he would understand and be cool about it.

Instead of apologizing he decides to walk away in a real somber mood. Feeling sad and making a big deal of something that I wasn't trying to make a big deal of. This in turn got her and her girlfriends in a "OMG he is jealous and needs to chill out" state, when I was trying to just tell him that I thought his behavior was disrespectful but everything was ok. I wasn't trying to pick a fight. But his saddness and way of reacting...pissed me off....and this is where I reacted.

Quickly I recovered and shook hands with him and he apologized and told me he would not be disrespectful again. Everything is cool.

The key: You need to walk the difficult line of telling your girlfriend that this behavior is disrespectful and being cool and calm about it. This is very challenging but in the end it shows her you are a man and not going to take bullshit but at the same time able to handle situations in a civil way. My girlfriend was reeling from my second that I reacted to him and I apologized (which is what you should do!).

When were were both in a more rational state and Mr. Annoying had left, I talked to her about how my friend had mentioned it was disrespectful and I was protecting my friends and do not like it when I feel disrespected in front of my friends. We did the make up dance and it was all good!

But when alcohol, your girlfriend, a random dude you don't know is involved its hard not to react but you got to try your best.

OR if this doesn't work:


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