Friday, January 4, 2008

Current Thoughts

I just got back from a job interview that I rocked. Job interviews are where presentation is so key. I just got my New Rocks. They are so awesome! I can't wait to wear them.

Breastasaurus took me to a movie last night which is called Juno. A little different spin on the normal chick flick. Wow! It was actually pretty good despite all the kids, marriage and the romance stuff. The girl Juno ran through such traumatic times and she dealt with it in like a casually brutal honesty type way. It totally flustered the adopter of her child. I don't think you should live your life hiding things that really hurt and keep them under the surface. That will only make you upset inside. It was very rockstar of her to be able to keep her cool with her brutal honesty. It was definitely a great way of coping with the situation instead of allowing it to hit underneath she was open about it. A man to me is defined as what you do when crisis occurs.

How do you deal with it, do you step up to the plate and take it or do you just cry yourself to sleep and look around flustered. I really like people that speak their mind and tell me what's up. I admire people that can cope with awkward situations in this way.

I think woman are searching for leadership from guys emotionally. They like guys to be there Everythings cool Rock! If you are freaked out about something and cursing...women will think its a big deal and be freaked out by it too. If you are like everything is cool and not a big deal, women will also follow that.

She didn't let it affect her (well except once when she went apeshit on the seeder but that was out of jealousy) and that should be merited instead she made the best out of it and joked around with it. People can learn a lot from dealing with situations from her. Don't live life too seriously! One thing I've learned is there each trait has a positive and a negative to it. With people I always look for the positive in them.

Breastasaurus has a similar way with people. On our first date and meetings up to that point she was pretty open that this was not going to be a walk in the park. She wouldn't give me an inch. This was until the great wall of China crumbled. She always has a way with words that tells you exactly what's up and how she is feeling. There is no beating around the bush with this one. RAAAH!The key to it is she says it casually but affectionately. And then out of nowhere she starts doing nice things for you and being like super sweet. I guess I always told her that she has a heart of coal but deep down there is a diamond in there somewhere. Maybe this is the way to describe her.

Like she said to me that my loveable dog Bubbles is spoiled and I shouldn't give her any more cookies. This is when we had just met! I coined her with the heart of coal after that. Nobody messes with poor Bubbles. That's what I'm talking about when I'm talking about America!

But at the same time despite her devilishness, she will make me like a really thoughtful and creative Christmas present and this is where her diamond lies.

If all you see is coal in won't get a cool Christmas present like me. Think Positively about life and people! They will really impress you. I promise.

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